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Χριστός Ο Ίεροφάντης [psychedelic black] - Nevzael 2024

1.Manifests as a White Dragon 03:49 

2.Even the Forests (If Ye Seek Nature, Seek God) 02:54 


I had the strangest idea - mixing "war metal" / "bestial black metal" with psychedelic elements. And so I did it, with God's help. While I think the concept can work, this demo kind of sucks - can you even picture how bad this would be WITHOUT God's help? Nevzael formed in 2015 with a slightly different sound. I planned to do a bunch of stuff but it never happened - story of my life. I originally planned to release this under the band name "Winds of Fire" (formed 2023). In the end, I decided with God's guidance that I didn't need two projects that sounded so similar, so I merged WoF into Nevzael. The name "Nevzael" doesn't mean anything. If memory serves, I was reading through the Old Testament at the time and wanted an abstract name that sounded like all the cities being mentioned.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Nevzael is "a Christian project", but it is not meant for Christian listening. This project is heavily influenced by esoteric / occult / pagan / left-hand themes (the path I walked before God saved me), and is an evangelistic work to show God** to those still on that path.
Nevertheless, if you are someone like myself who is a Christian, yet benefits from such music, may you be blessed. We need all the blessings we can get, don't we?
(When I was much younger, I thought black metal bands with abstract names just invented them. While that's true for a few of them, I would later learn most were from novels, or established concepts, etc. I always found this a little disappointing.)
The text below the title is "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΚΥΡΙΟΣ ΚΥΡΙΩΝ" (English: "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS") § Revelation 19:16.  

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